Monday, 27 April 2015

Sometimes bad things can lead to really, really good things

Do you believe in fate? I definitely do, and I’ll tell you for why.

Three years ago today (27th April), I met my husband-to-be, but that wouldn’t have happened if my lovely little dog, Charlie, hadn’t passed away.

Sound like an odd chain of events? Bear with me.

I’d had Charlie since I was 11 and he meant everything to me. Anyone who’s a ‘dog person’ will understand that. Dogs are more than just household pets and Charlie certainly was – he was my best friend. Ever since he arrived at our house, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (literally), he was not a pet, he was another member of our family.
My little Charlie bear
So, when he got to that age when he couldn’t run around as fast as he used to, or wouldn’t get excited about his food, we were heartbroken because we knew the end was nigh.

After Charlie passed away, I was, of course, absolutely devastated. So much so, that I just hated being in the house. Everything reminded me of him and every time I walked through the front door, or even into a room, I’d expect to see him there.

I decided a break would do me good. It would give me a bit of distance and also a bit of perspective.

So, I hopped on a flight to Abu Dhabi to stay with my family out there.

Then, two weeks to the day of Charlie passing away, I went to a bubbly brunch at the Westin (my auntie knows how to cheer me up!) and met someone. That someone was Tom and now, three years later, we’re engaged and we’re buying a house together.

Little did I know, but my auntie and Tom’s auntie (who are best friends) had been playing cupid when they arranged that bubbly brunch.

But if it wasn’t for losing Charlie, which was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through, then I would never have planned a last-minute getaway and I might have never met my future husband!

It just goes to show that everything happens for a reason and sometimes something bad has to happen, so that something good can happen because of it x
Our first picture together, I blame Tom (and maybe the wine) for it being upside down!

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