Monday 27 April 2015

Lovely Lush: Brazened Honey face mask and Mint Julips lip scrub review

Everything in Lush smells and looks, well, lush! I’ve never been able to walk past a Lush shop without popping in for a nosey around. The amazing smells just lure me in and then it feels impossible to leave without buying anything.

(This BuzzFeed post about shopping at Lush really made me chuckle!)

I’m starting rather early with my wedding skin regime (the big day isn’t until next March!), but I want to get my skin in tip-top condition because it can be a little troublesome at times. So, during a little shopping trip in Liverpool, I decided to pop into the local Lush shop to buy one of their famous face masks. They are perfect for a serious pamper sesh because they’re made using freshly squeezed juices, extracts, or whole fruits and vegetables.

I couldn’t decide between Catastrophe Cosmetic, Cosmetic Warrior or Love Lettuce, then the smiley chap behind the counter recommended Brazened Honey, as its zingy ingredients can help to calm oily skin. 
According to the Lush website, Brazened Honey contains fresh fennel, ginger root, parsley and coriander to detox and stimulate. They also use a sage, rosemary and juniper berry infusion with cardamom and clove bud oils for their antiseptic qualities, fresh lime juice to cleanse the skin and free range eggs, honey and almond oil to soothe and moisturise.

That evening, I had a good ol’ pamper before my first round of wedding dress shopping appointments (read all about that here). I opened the tub and had a sniff of the face mask. It’s quite an unusual scent, as you can smell the ginger and the fresh herbs, I think it’s probably one of those smells you’ll either love or hate (I love it, Tom hates it).

The mask itself has lots of grainy, gritty little bits in it (definitely the correct technical term), so it feels quite exfoliating when you rub it into your skin and it also tingles a little bit. Because of its texture, take care to make sure you spread it evenly – it’s not one of those super smooth face masks that you can spread really quickly. Put a thin, even layer all over your skin (avoiding your eyes and mouth). Then, after about five minutes, it’ll go a little stiff. 
My awkward 'can't-really-smile-because-the-face-mask-has-gone-stiff' selfie
After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse it off gently with warm water. As soon as I rinsed the mask off, my skin felt soft, cleansed and refreshed and my complexion definitely looked brighter. 

I’d recommend this face mask if you have oily/combination skin. Just remember that some Lush face masks (this one included) need to be kept in the fridge. This is because the ingredients are fresh, otherwise they’ll go off quite quickly.

The Brazened Honey face mask from Lush is £6.50 for 75g.

During my Lush little shopping trip (see what I did there…) I also couldn’t resist picking up a Mint Julips lip scrub.

I know you can make lip scrubs yourself, but I just couldn’t resist the Mint Julips one, mainly because the peppermint oils and vanilla extracts mean it smells like mint chocolate… I definitely preferred that over the other option, the bright pink Bubblegum flavour, which just smelt too sweet and sickly.
To use the lip scrub, simply put a little bit of the scrub on your finger, then rub it around your lips in circular motions. It gets rid of dry skin and your lips feel lovely and soft afterwards! I use mine every day, with my favourite Burt’s Bees lip balm too (read all about my favourite skin products here).

The Mint Julips lip scrub is £5.50 for 25g.

What are your favourite Lush products? x

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